Spiritual Philosophy
Shopping for Philosophy - The Spiritual Aspect
Spiritual philosophies are getting to be almost a dime a dozen,
but they are only as valuable, really, as they are truly spiritual.
Now, many people have different ideas about what is and what is
not spirituality. The Kabalarian Philosophy teaches that spirituality
is an attained mental state of Conscious awareness. It is not
something that is promised to you some day in the hereafter. It
is an attainment, possible here in life, now, through your own
mental efforts. Spirituality is the state of accomplishment. It
is just like the blossoming of a flower; it is the fulfillment
of the growth of that flower. So, spirituality is the result of
your mental development onto Conscious levels.
The Kabalarian Philosophy is realistic inasmuch as it promises
you success through personal application. It is realistic inasmuch
as it says if you want spirituality you must create it for yourself
through your own efforts: here is the Principle, which if you
understand and apply will guarantee you successful spiritual development.
Spirituality is a growth in mind that represents the broadness
of perspective that is associated with the wise men of the ages,
where we are above the pettiness of life, the petty personality
problems, the selfishness, and all those other incidentals. Spirituality
is not something that is denied anyone. It is something that is
possible for everyone but yet spirituality is not granted to anyone
for any reason. Spirituality is created by the individual.
What do you think spirituality should be? Would it not represent
the broadest understanding of life, the understanding of the principles
of life, not just a thorough understanding of the books in the
library which are merely the recordings of men's minds? It is
the understanding of the laws of being spirituality is the living
personification of those universal laws.
You know that you could control your temper if you tried hard
enough - at least you think you can. You know that if you really
changed and overcame your moods you would be a much happier, more
pleasant person. You know that if you really watched your diet
and disciplined your feelings and emotions, you would be a different
person. You know that you have greater potential. Just think,
if you kept working at that potential for a period of time how
different you would become. Is that not growth towards spirituality?
Do you think it is right to sit back and just twiddle your thumbs
and say, "Well I would expect to be among the chosen one
thousand"? What have we done to deserve such a choice? Is
it not more intelligent to realize that we get what we deserve?
We get what we deserve according to out efforts, and so it we
want to become spiritual we have to start living spiritual principles.
We start in the simple ways: physically by establishing good health;
mentally by creating constructive mental qualities, controlling
our moods, our temper, our negative nature, learning to be positive
and constructive and happy, learning to rise above the pettiness
of life and becoming more concerned with the human challenges.
Man's purpose is to become the eyes, the ears, and the mouthpiece
of this great Principle so that he expresses his potential. What
is the purpose of the piano? To express music. What is the purpose
of man? To be a channel for conscious intelligence. That is what
we are here for. You read the papers and you wonder what is happening.
Mankind is destroying itself through its indulgences and through
its illogical attitudes. We need a philosophy of life that will
help us to live constructively, which is so much more pleasurable,
interesting, and enjoyable. You talk to anyone who has given up
smoking, drinking, or been at death's door and they will tell
you its so much better to be healthy and alive.
Spirituality is not something far off in the future; it is a part
of you, now. It is something that you can become. Within every
flower seed is the power to become spiritually fulfilled as a
flower. It does not have any mind, it cannot be a conscious fulfillment,
naturally. Nevertheless, within the seed is the potential for
the fulfillment. Within the seed of man is that potential for
conscious fulfillment which is universality of mind. You have
that potential, it is within you, but if you do not try to develop
it, what good is it?
If you do not know how to develop it, what good is it? In looking
into the Kabalarian Philosophy, judge the accuracy and try to
determine whether in your shopping you have found something that
answers some of your wants, your questions, fulfills your requirements.
If you are looking for a healthy, happy, constructive way of life,
then you have come to the right place.